By Harry Martin The rich coastline of Scotland plays summer host to the grand theatrics of the seabird breeding season. This summer has been no different, if not more dramatic …
The Wild North
By Harry Martin Running a trip to the Shetland Isles had felt like years in the making and in reality it was! I drew up ideas and plans over four …
Back Doing What We Do Best
By Harry Martin Standing on deck aboard a ferry bound for the Isle of Eigg in mid-May was almost surreal. With a group of five photographers, it was the first …
Your Camera’s Metering Modes Explained
By Harry Martin Metering can be a confusing topic, with lots of different modes and ways of controlling the camera’s exposure. Having a basic understanding of what your camera is …
Printing your Mobile Phone Photos
By Harry Martin It is widely assumed that to get a good quality print of a photograph, you need to be using a top of the range professional camera, edit …
How Do Otters Keep Warm?
The European otter is the most widely distributed of the world’s 12 species, and can be found throughout much of Europe, Northern Asia, and even North Africa. Across the majority …
Curiosity Didn’t Kill the Seals
Chances are if you take a trip out to Britain’s coastline you might come across seals. We have two species you are likely to see; the common (harbour) seal, and …
Duntulm Castle
All over Scotland there are tales of faeries, daemons, kelpies and monsters, and the Isle of Skye is no exception. With place names such as the Faerie Bridge & Pools, …
Wildlife Photography Tips
Wildlife photography used to be the preserve of a select few professionals with huge telephoto lenses, top of the range cameras, and bulky tripods. Today though, with the increasing availability …
The 24 hour Skye Experience
The Isle of Skye is an increasingly popular tourist destination for holiday makers from all over the world. While those living on the island, such as myself, get to enjoy …
Full frame v Crop Sensors
You’ve probably heard professional photographers raving about how good full-frame is compared to a crop sensor camera, and for anyone in the market to buy a DSLR, or indeed mirrorless …