About Mc2 Photography

McCormick & McAdam - and an ever growing team...

Established by James McCormick and Marcus McAdam, Mc2 Photography is the parent brand for a host of photography businesses. From commercial photography to workshops on the Isle of Skye, and from photo adventures around the world to online media entertainment, Mc2 is the hub connecting them together.

James and Marcus have been working together since 1996 - a journey which has taken them many times around the world and to over 80% of its countries. Their combined experience covers most genres of photography, with an impressive portfolio of high-end commercial, wildlife and landscape imagery. The Mc2 team is comprised of only the most talented and pleasant people, with a range of specialities, and located around the world.

James McCormick
Building his roots in photography working as a Reuter’s photographer in Africa, he covered almost the entire continent before moving back to the UK to work as the photographer for Capital Radio in London. He spent most of the 1990’s photographing the elite of the music industry, such as Prince, Bon Jovi, and Madonna, travelling all over the world in the process.

"I love the challenge of photographing people. Some may have huge egos, some may not speak my language, and some may not want their photo taken at all. Mind-managing people and overcoming problems is all part of what I love doing in order to get the image I am after.”

James lectures for the Royal Photographic Society in London, and also leads photography workshops around Devon, where he is based. He undertakes a range of commercial work from some of the world’s most recognisable companies such as Microsoft, Panasonic, and Vodafone to name just a few.


Marcus McAdam
Marcus has been a professional photographer since 2008, with his skills spanning almost every genre of photography, but building his foundation as a travel photographer. He’s now based on the Isle of Skye where he leads photography workshops, holidays and wilderness tours.

As a travel photographer Marcus has previously lived in San Francisco, Venice, and Beijing, but has also worked extensively in places like Rwanda, India, and the more remote areas of China. He’s visited over fifty countries, with colleague James, on photographic assignments for the likes of Microsoft, Panasonic, Caffe Nero, China Southern Airlines, and Visit Britain. He also lectures at the Lacock School of Photography in southern England.

Out of the many places Marcus has been to and photographed, Utah stands out head and shoulders above the rest. The diversity of landscapes in such a small area is a photographer’s dream, from deep river gorges, to delicate stone arches, there are limitless compositions and images to take.

Harry Martin
Harry might be the youngest team member but he has guided and photographed around the world from the Canadian Rockies to China.

Growing up on the edge of London, but spending much of his childhood in Scotland, the wild areas of the Highlands captivated him, and fuelled a love for the outdoors. This drove a passion to see more, and he is surprisingly well travelled for his age, he’s surveyed birds in Ecuador and South Africa, led photo-holidays to China, Italy and Zimbabwe, and also lived in the wilderness of the Canadian Rockies for half a year working as a mountain/wildlife guide.

He’s also a trained zoologist and is annoyingly good at spotting wildlife, identifying it and telling you all about it. When not with customers he spends much of his free time sitting in the hills on Skye watching golden eagles, his favourite species worldwide.


Nick Hanson
A multiple award-winning photographer, Nick has over 15 years of experience behind the lens. His patience, effort and skills are often praised by workshop customers who find his style easy to follow and memorise.

Hailing from Dumfries in south-west Scotland, Nick used to work as a web designer, making use of his abundant creative ability, before taking the plunge into full-time professional photography. Now living on Skye he helps to run most of the landscape photography workshops there, as well as on the Outer Hebrides.

Adam Bulley
Adam’s foundation in photography stems from his career in film making, in which he incorporates time-lapse and other stills images with flowing video footage. He loves a challenge, so it’s not surprising that he’s also keen on astro photography and enjoys shooting difficult to get to locations.

Adam has previously been involved with our St. Kilda, Eigg and Utah trips - all places which he is incredibly passionate about. “The thing that drives me most is the exploration of creativity in its many different forms. Having stood in some of the most iconic and remote scenery in the world, I have witnessed and captured nature in all its glory and wonder. I'm excited to now further explore these locations and help people to find original, creative and unique perspectives in these special places.”


Ruth Taylor

Ruth Taylor is a born and bred Hebridean who hosted the daily breakfast show on Skye's local radio station, Radio Skye, for over a decade. Ruth is our media face, anchoring all our audio and video programmes. She has a keen interest in photography but is by no means a pro, which allows her to ask our guides the questions most people want to know.

She also produces our print publications including our Off the Beaten Track magazine and Essential Camera Skills manuals as well as most of our digital content.

Alex Trowski
Alex is an award-winning photographer based in the Glencoe area of the Highlands. He's best known for his dramatic yet dreamy imagery in which he employs contemporary techniques to create captivating compositions. He enjoys sharing his expertise and empowering photographers of all levels to tell their stories through their images with fresh and exciting perspectives. He currently leads our Skye Photo Academy Weekend Workshops in both Glencoe and the Isle of Skye.
