

  • Price


  • Dates

    8th - 17th May, 2025

  • Group Size

    Max. 10

  • Includes:

    Accommodation, local transport, tuition

  • Start/End Point

    Shannon Airport/Limerick, Ireland

  • Fitness

    Good level of fitness required

Journey to the very edge of Europe, to a land of rugged coastline, dramatic islands, rolling green hills and spectacular mountains - welcome to Ireland.

We’ve been planning to organise this trip for many years and now we’ve finally managed to get around to it. We will focus on a small area of Ireland which offers amazing diversity of photographic subjects, but avoids having to travel too far during the trip. We have identified four locations, spending a couple of nights in each, before moving on to the next.

One of the highlights of the trip will be a stay on the Blasket Islands, which will offer a great experience of isolation, where all you need to worry about is what to take a photo of next - the seals on the beach, the village ruins, or the stunning seascapes.

Combine this with the vast range of subjects from the other three locations - castles, a shipwreck, a bluebell woodland, dramatic mountains, waterfalls, classic seascapes and the charm of the the small Irish towns we will be staying in, and you’ll get an amazing eight days of photography and adventure.

Meet the team...

Our guides comes from a wide range of backgrounds, brining with them a diverse skillset to pass  on to our trip members. We always use two guides for every trip of four or more participants, ensuring that everyone gets a good amount of personal attention. You’ll be notified of your allocated guides once they have been confirmed.

Marcus - An award winning pro photographer since 2005, Marcus started his career as a travel photographer. He’s visited over 50 countries and lived in a few too. A bit of a purist and a traditionalist, Marcus can often be found with a film camera from last century rather than toting the latest technology around his neck.

James - Coming from a commercial photographic background, James tends to focus on the creative side of things as opposed to the technicalities of his equipment. For James, it’s not so much as how to take an image, but more why to take an image. Or course, he knows the former too, but James will likely have you thinking in new ways.

Harry - As a  zoologist, Harry’s initial interest in photography was wildlife based, but living on the Isle of Skye, among some of the UK’s most dramatic landscapes, it’s not surprising that he now points his camera at geology as much as zoology. Being young (well, relative to the others!), Harry loves his technology and uses this to his advantage with his photography.

Ruth - As the host of our popular Photography Online show, Ruth is the team member everyone wants to meet (much to the envy of the others). She’s in her element when photographing “life” - manmade things in their natural state. Faced with the option of shooting a row of bins or mountains, she’s unlikely to head for the hills. It takes all sorts to make the world go round!





Visit an ancient land steeped in history.

